Do you have an item that you are looking to sell, loan or trade in? We will buy or lend against any item that we can establish has a value.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
You will receive a quote for your item within 24 hours (normal working hours apply). If you are happy with the price simply bring your item into the store along with a copy of the email offer and our knowledgeable and fully trained staff will value and test your item. Remember you must be over the age of 18 and will need 1 form of identification to sell to us.
Please note that all our offers made via email are a guide price of what could be achieved. Final valuation and offers will be made once the item has been brought into the store.
NOTE: We allow missing accessories, as long as the item can still be tested before purchasing. If you are missing for example, a unique power supply, Cash Recycle may be unable to buy the item as we cannot test it beforehand. However we will buy faulty or damaged goods if we can establish a value.
Grading is of the opinion of the Cash Recycle staff, and can only be determined once our trained staff have seen the item.
If any item is thought to be a higher or lower grade prior to Cash Recycle seeing it, the price may change.
You must be over the age of 18 and will need 1 form of Identification to sell to us. No ID, no service.
Management reserve the right to change the final trade/purchase/loan price of any item at any time.